Photo #69785
Last Name: CORMENY
First Name: William
Middle Name: Henry
Subject's City: Neligh
Subject's State: NE
Subject's County: Antelope
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: Denning
Photographer's City: Neligh
Photographer's State: NE
Type**: CC
Comments: William Henry CORMENY (Nee: ) | Neligh NE USA | 1851-1900 | Comments: William Henry CORMENY (1853-1927) and his wife Florence June SIMMONS Cormeny (1866-1944) with their eldest daughter, Alice Amanda CORMENY Udey Fruhof (1884-1976)
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Florence CormenyWilliam CORMENYAlice FruhofAlice Udey