Photo #69361
Last Name: Veale
First Name: R.
Middle Name: D.
Subject's City: Mount Brydges
Subject's State: Ontario
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: Canada
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Type**: GRP
Comments: R. D. Veale (Nee: ) | Mount Brydges Ontario Canada | 1901-1920 | Comments: This picture of Mr. R. D. Veale appears on page 459 of the Canadian Horticulturist, vol.XXVII, no.11, November 1904. Please see that reference for more details. Mr. Veale is seen in the photo holding two baskets of apples and is reported 80yrs of age at the time. Veale was a fruit grower in Mount Brydges, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada. That is all the information I have on this picture. I am not researching this line, just saw the photo and thought I'd post it.
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R. Veale