Photo #68101
Last Name: JENKINS
First Name: Edward
Middle Name: Milton
Subject's City: Ithaca
Subject's State: NY
Subject's County: Tompkins
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1941-1960
Photographer: Edwin C. Udey
Photographer's City: Ithaca
Photographer's State: NY
Type**: SNAP
Comments: Edward Milton JENKINS (Nee: ) | Ithaca NY USA | 1941-1960 | Comments: This is photo number: 68101.Stella Elizabeth WILLBRAND Frey Jenkins and her husband, Edward Milton JENKINS. 1940-1941. Stella is pregnant with this submitter. Couple appears to be standing in woods beside a waterfall. This is a close-up detail. The full photo may also be seen by selecting the KEY WORD search and entering only this number: 68100.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Edward JENKINSStella Jenkins