Photo #12930
Last Name: Betz
First Name: Charlotte
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Pottsville
Subject's State: Pa
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1929
Photographer: PT
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State: Pa
Type**: PRT
Comments: Charlotte Betz (Nee: ) | Pottsville Pa United States | 1929 | Comments: /Senior/1929 HI-S-POTTS Pottsville High School ,Pottsville ,Pa To see all the pictures in thealbum type PT in the photographers slot in “Detailed Search” ..for close up scans ofany of these photos email or
3/23/2007 Suzzette sent in the follwing information
**I have a Betz lineage but at this time I can not connect to this family. I hope the information helps another Betz researcher. Re: Photo #12930
Charlotte Betz
Research from the 1920 US Census, Schuylkill Co PA, Tamaqua, Series T625, Roll 1652, Printed Page 69A, Sheet 4A, Dwelling #64, Family #64, Lines 2-11 the following information concerns this Charlotte Betz:
She was born ca 1911 in PA– age 8 in the 1920 census and the daughter of John E. Betz and Charlotte.
This family was living in Tamaqua at 330 Rail Road Street. Included in this household were the following family members:
John E. Betz, head of house hold age 33, Brakeman on the Rail Road
Charlotte, wife of John E. Betz, age 33
John C., son age 13
[?Emma] J., daughter age 12
Richard, son age 10
Charlotte, daughter age 8 [ the Charlotte in the photo #12930]
Dorothy, daughter age 6
William H., son age 4years 9 months
Ellsworth, son age 1 year 3 months – fraternal twin to Gertrude
Gertrude, daughter age 1 year 3 months – fraternal twin to Ellsworth
Everyone listed in this family were born in PA. The mother Charlotte's parents were born in England.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Charlotte Betz