Photo #64408
Last Name: Ruffin
First Name: Edmund
Middle Name:
Subject's City:
Subject's State: VA
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1835-1850
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Type**: PRT
Comments: Edmund Ruffin (Nee: ) | VA United States | 1835-1850 | Comments: This portrait of Mr. Edmund Ruffin appears in the following article: Cutter, W. P., "A pioneer in agricultural science," Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1895, pages 493-502. There is a very nice biographical essay about Mr. Ruffin there. Please see that reference for more details. He was born 5 January 1794 in Prince George's County, Virginia. He went to college and later served in the war of 1812. He was deeply involved in agriculture. He was editor of the Farmers' Register, a monthly magazine. He also served three years in the Virginia senate. He died 17 June 1865. See also wikipedia: ( ). That is all the information I have on this picture. I am not researching this line, just saw the photo and thought I'd post it.
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Edmund Ruffin