Photo #59362
Last Name: Charbonneau
First Name: Violet (Valeda)
Middle Name: Louise Jeanne
Subject's City: Arnprior
Subject's State: Ontario
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: Canada
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Type**: B&W
Comments: Violet (Valeda) Louise Jeanne Charbonneau (Nee: ) | Arnprior Ontario Canada | 1901-1920 | Comments: I believe they are in Canada. Jane the elderly woman sitting on the porch, and her daughter Melissa Charbonneau and 6 daughters are with them, including twins.
Digital Image Only? NO
Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Laura CharbonneauMelissa CharbonneauMinnie or Mary CharbonneauViolet (Valeda) CharbonneauJane or Genevieve Frazeau