Photo #12584
Last Name: Statham
First Name: Daisy
Middle Name: Pearl
Subject's City: Newark
Subject's State: OH
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: McCualsky
Type**: CC
Comments: Daisy Pearl Statham (Nee: McCualsky) | Newark OH United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: Daisy was born 1891 Parkersburg WV. She married Howard Sullivan and Ed Statham. She resided in Newark and Belpre, OH and Grafton, WV. She is the adult female and the child is Irene, her youngest sister. Daisy died 1959 Grafton WV.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Letitia RufDaisy Statham