Photo #55859
Last Name: Tidd
First Name: Harold
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Moscow
Subject's State: PA
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1941-1960
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Type**: B&W
Comments: Harold Tidd (Nee: ) | Moscow PA United States | 1941-1960 | Comments: WWII, Germany, 12th Armored Division, 572nd Air Warning Battlion, Battery D. Wm R Livingston is center front row. May 10, 1945 I believe the order of the other men are as follows: Back row left to right, Frank Sweigert & Harold Tidd. Front row left to right: Jim Ward, William R. Livingston & Bobby Battle.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Robert BattleWilliam LivingstonFrank SweigertHarold TiddHarold TiddJames Ward