Photo #43792
Last Name: Meyer
First Name: Lavaida
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Trenton
Subject's State: NE
Subject's County: Hitchcock
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1921-1940
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Meyer
Type**: B&W
Comments: Lavaida Meyer (Nee: Meyer) | Trenton NE USA | 1921-1940 | Comments: This photo taken ca 1936/37. The family lived close to the school in Nebraska. The school teacher boarded with the family. The family was good friends with Elmer and Anna Conger. The parents of this little girl were Otto and Arayla Meyer. He was crushed between two horses and killed. The mother and daughter moved to Paonia, Colorado and lived with the mother's father.
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Lavaida Meyer