Photo #43363
Last Name: Tuggey
First Name: Joseph and Frances
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Springfield
Subject's State: MA
Subject's County: Hampden
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Bailey
Comments: Joseph and Frances Tuggey (Nee: Bailey) | Springfield MA United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: This photo was taken just a few years before their deaths, Joseph in 1923 at age 76 and Frances in 1924 at age 77. They were my 2nd great grandparents. Joseph was much taller in his earlier years as his spine bent over considerably as a result of his working on the looms in wool mills in New England for most of his adult life.
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Joseph and Frances Tuggey