Photo #37408
Last Name: McElhinny
First Name: McVilly, McVitey, McVitty ?
Middle Name: L.
Subject's City: Wilson
Subject's State: KS
Subject's County: Seward
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: White
Photographer's City: Wilson
Photographer's State: KS
Type**: CC
Comments: McVilly, McVitey, McVitty ? L. McElhinny (Nee: ) | Wilson KS United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Graduation photo of McVitey McElhinny, Class of 1897, Wilson High School, Wilson, Kansas, KS. Alternate first names include McVitty, McVilly. Found photo at antique store, plan to sell on eBay if I can't find relatives. Photographer M. A. White
Digital Image Only? NO
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McVilly, McVitey, McVitty ? McElhinny