Photo #36513
Last Name: Milligan
First Name: Stephen
Middle Name: J
Subject's City: Millville
Subject's State: Fl
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Milligan/Denton
Type**: GRP
Comments: Stephen J Milligan (Nee: Milligan/Denton) | Millville Fl United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: The male and female adults on the far right are siblings Elma and Stephen Milligan. Stephen's wife Betty white/Denton and daughter Lea White are pictured also. The rest of these people are believed to be Denton's and Milligan's from Tenn., Alabama & FLorida.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Stephen Milligan