Photo #30529
Last Name: Price
First Name: John
Middle Name: I
Subject's City: Emporia
Subject's State: KS
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer: Chase
Photographer's City: Emporia
Photographer's State: KS
Type**: CC
Comments: John I Price (Nee: ) | Emporia KS USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: Fabulous large cabinet card photo. I had to crop it for the scan because it was so large, about 12 X 10. The back has all their names. It reads:
Back row - James Price, Elizabeth Price Owen, JOhn Price, Arthur Price, Gome Price, Margaret Price Ausherman. Bottom row - William Price, John I Price, Margaret Davies Price.
I'm not related. I bought this at an antique mall. I figured since it had the town and names it might be easy to find the family. If you are related and want the original I would ask $10 to cover the $8 cost and safe shipping.
Digital Image Only? NO
Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Margaret AushermanElizabeth OwenArthur PriceGome PriceJohn PriceJohn PriceMargaret PriceWilliam Price