Photo #28988
Last Name: Good
First Name: Mary
Middle Name: Estells
Subject's City: Chillicothe
Subject's State: OH
Subject's County: Ross
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Byers
Type**: B&W
Comments: Mary Estells Good (Nee: Byers) | Chillicothe OH United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: Picture taken in 1919 that was processed and printed at Mykrantz Pharmacy in Chillicothe.
According to notes on the back:
Back Row - Wilma & John Good, Nettie & John Boehmer, Rowena & Fletcher Greathouse
3rd Row - Stella Good & Lewis Good, Lena & Fred Norman
2nd Row - Grandma (lillian), Grandpa (Moses), Granddaughter Frances
Front Row - Grandson Hoyt, Son Frank, Grandson Robert
It also noted Aunt Jessie is missing
Digital Image Only?
Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Janette BoehmerJohn Boehmer GoodFrances GoodFrank GoodHoyt GoodJohn GoodLewis GoodLillian GoodMary GoodMoses GoodRobert GoodWilma GoodFletcher GreathouseRowena GreathouseFred NormanLena Norman