Photo #28678
Last Name: Loy
First Name: Margaret
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Manitou Springs
Subject's State: CO
Subject's County: El Paso
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City: Manitou Springs
Photographer's State: CO
Nee: Chesebrough
Type**: GRP
Comments: Margaret Loy (Nee: Chesebrough) | Manitou Springs CO United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: John Loy (1831-1913) and his wife Margaret Chesebrough Loy (1836-1917) and other members of their family at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado. I believe the couple on the left was their pastor and his wife.
Digital Image Only? NO
Everyone Listed In This Photo:
John LoyMargaret Loy