Photo #25386
Last Name: ENYEART
First Name: Calvin & Mary
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Troy
Subject's State: Ohio
Subject's County: Miami
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: Owings
Photographer's City: Dayton
Photographer's State: Ohio
Nee: Enyeart
Type**: CC
Comments: Calvin & Mary ENYEART (Nee: Enyeart) | Troy Ohio USA | 1851-1900 | Comments: This photo must have been taken around 1898, judging by Marys looks and the fact that Calvin died in 1902 and was in his early 20s by that point. May have been taken after a funeral? Both are in black...
Digital Image Only? NO
Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Calvin & Mary ENYEART