Photo #24772
Last Name:
First Name: Pauline
Middle Name:
Subject's City:
Subject's State: NE
Subject's County: Seward and Lancaster
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Type**: PRT
Comments: Pauline (Nee: PAULINE SCHOLZ) | NE United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: Who knows the little girl on this photo?
According to a( lost) letter from about 1910 this photo shows PAULINE SCHOLZ (TINGELHOFF) together with her daughter ELEANOR in SEWARD County,NE or maybe in LINCOLN,Lancaster County,NE. Pauline Scholz, who emmigrated from Silesia/Germany in 1905, lost contact to her German family about 1935. Through familyresearches since 2002 we found some traces of Pauline; she died 1967 and is buried ( together with husband Frank Tingelhoff) at Wyuka Cemetery,Lincoln,NE. Who knows something about the girl? Who can identify her? We believe that she is related, because there is an almost unbelievable resemblance to living familymembers.Please contact us!
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