Photo #19596
Last Name: The Mike Kane Records
First Name: Irene A. Theriault
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Fruitland
Subject's State: Fl
Subject's County: Lake
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1941-1960
Photographer's City: Tarrytown
Photographer's State: NY
Type**: PRT
Comments: Irene A. Theriault The Mike Kane Records (Nee: ) | Fruitland Fl USA | 1941-1960 | Comments: Died March 18 2001 - This record is one of approx two thousand WW2 Era records that were recoveredfrom a manufacturing plant in North Tarry Town NY by Mike Kane of MahopacNY. Each of these records tells a large part of who the individual was and where they lived each record also contains a photo. Since his discovery Mike has been trying to get each of these people home.. so far he has been successful with about300 . . Mike contacted DeadFred to help him get these records into the hands of family ..over the upcoming months we will be adding all the records to the Archive .. Mike is the primary contact his email address is below .. if for some reason his email isnot working contact . To see more of his records scroll tothe bottom of this record and click on the Link .
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Irene A. Theriault The Mike Kane RecordsIrene Theriault