Photo #17789
Last Name: Cook
First Name: Estelle
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Biglerville
Subject's State: Pa
Subject's County: Adams
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer: Tipton
Photographer's City: Gettysburg
Photographer's State: Pa
Type**: GRP
Comments: Estelle Cook (Nee: ) | Biglerville Pa USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: Written on back * Class of 1920 Biglerville High School.. First class to graduate from four year course .. names are listed in this order .. they are not matched to the students, Carl Slaybaugh,Jay Cook,Ward Taylor,Guy Knouse,Renee Becker,Estelle Cook,Helen Bigham,Marian Baugher,Belva FohlContact
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Marian BaugherRenee BeckerHelen BighamEstelle CookJay CookBelva FohlGuy KnouseCarl SlaybaughWard Taylor