Photo #15631
Last Name: Westerbend
First Name: Julius
Middle Name: Gustaf Verner
Subject's City: West Superior
Subject's State: Wi
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1878
Photographer: Gozanski
Photographer's City: West Superior
Photographer's State: Wi
Type**: CC
Comments: Julius Gustaf Verner Westerbend (Nee: ) | West Superior Wi USA | 1878 | Comments: Photographer: Anthony Grzanski , Conners Point ,West Superior, Wi ///Found in a velvet clasp photo album containg photos from West Superior Wisconsin and New Haven Conn. The submitter thinks that the Baby is from Her Swedish Roots but cannot substantiate. Webmasters Note: I am submitting this photo using Westerbend, Westerbund and Verner as the surnames..see writing on the reverse side of the photo ( see photo).
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Juluis VernerJulius WesterbendJuluis Westerbund