Photo #122488
Last Name: Roberts
First Name: Mildred
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Clementon
Subject's State: NJ
Subject's County: Camden
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Adlington
Type**: B&W
Comments: Mildred Roberts (Nee: Adlington) | Clementon NJ United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: I have an old studio photograph of Mildred ADLINGTON which was taken in the Summer of 1909 with Mildred appearing to be about 3 years old at the time. The photograph has a stamp on the back with the name "John L. ADLINGTON, Clementon, NJ" and an address of "513 Roberts St., Camden, NJ" as well.
Based on limited research I was able to gather the following information regarding Mildred and her family:
Mildred ADLINGTON was b. 1906 in Pennsylvania to parents John L. ADLINGTON (1885-1916) and Edna CHORPENING (b. 1881). Mildred had one sibling, a brother Herbert C. ADLINGTON (b. 1911). Mildred married Edwin ROBERTS (1905-1965) on 10 Oct 1936 in Philadelphia, PA. Mildred died 17 Jun 1967 in Camden City, NJ and is buried in the New Camden Cemetery in Camden, NJ.
I’d like to get the photograph back to family and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.
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Mildred Roberts