Photo #15420
Last Name: Photo Album-Troxell
First Name: Man in a Chair c1900
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Camden
Subject's State: NJ
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: USA
Date: c1900
Photographer: Jones
Photographer's City: Camden
Photographer's State: NJ
Type**: PRT
Comments: Man in a Chair c1900 Photo Album-Troxell (Nee: ) | Camden NJ USA | c1900 | Comments: Photo Album-Troxell - Hoping to Identify these photos. This Photo album was foumd in an Antique Store one of the photos had the name TROXELL .. was said that the other photos are members of the same family from the Southern NJ and Eastern Pa Region W.G.Jones Archive 15420
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Man in a Chair c1900 Photo Album-TroxellMan in a Chair Troxell