Photo #118642
Last Name: Anderson
First Name: Viola
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Falmouth
Subject's State: ME
Subject's County: Cumberland
Subject's Country:
Date: 1921-1940
Photographer: Wight
Photographer's City: Portland
Photographer's State: ME
Nee: Gresley
Type**: B&W
Comments: Viola Anderson (Nee: Gresley) | Falmouth ME | 1921-1940 | Comments: This photo is from the Ethel Wight Studio, Portland, Maine.
This negative envelope says, “Viola Anderson, Edgewater Rd, Falmouth Foreside ℅ C. N. Cutter #376.”
Why I believe this to be the individual.
• The 1935 Portland City Directory lists Charles N and Esther Cutter living in Falmouth. Charles is an assistant superintendent at UMLICo (Union Mutual Life Insurance Co.) at 396 Congress.
• The 1934 Portland City Directory lists Viola E Anderson, residing at Archibald W Gresley, Cliff Island.
• The Maine Memory Network (Maine Historical Society) has a photo of the Pettengill property, Church Street, Cliff Island. The property was sold to Archie W. Gresley in 1928.
• The 1930 US Census lists Archie W Gresley living in Portland with his wife Emma, daughter Viola Anderson and grandson Eldred V Anderson. Viola is 35 years old and divorced.
I am quite sure this photo of Viola Anderson (née Gresley) was taken about 1934.
Digital Image Only? YES
Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Viola Anderson