Photo #108236
Last Name: Barnes
First Name: George
Middle Name: Klein
Subject's City: Omaha
Subject's State: NE
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1851-1900
Photographer: Blackburn
Photographer's City: Grand Forks
Photographer's State: Dakota Territory
Comments: George Klein Barnes (Nee: ) | Omaha NE United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Unknown Barnes. Is one of 5 brothers to my great-grandmother Catherine. Possibly George Klein Barnes. Born in Ohio about 1855 to John Haddock Barnes and Margaret Cotter of NY. Occupation: boxer, fireman, bartender. Lived in Omaha until death in 1890. Image from early Blackburn Studio in Dakota Territory-before North and South Dakota statehood.
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George Barnes