Comments: Alexander Peebles Kelso (Nee: ) | Saharanpur India | 1904 | Comments: FOUND! 10/26/2004 Discovery #381-Fred Kelso Writes - This is Alexander Peebles Kelso. He was a first cousin to my great grandfather. Son of Alexander Peebles Kelso, Sr. and Louisa Bolton. Born 10/12/1886 in Saharanpur, India, where his parents were Presbyterian missionaries. He did go on to graduate in '06 with an A.B., he got his B.D. from Western Theological Seminary in 1910; he was also a Rhodes Scholar and received an A.B. from Oxford in 1912. He later served as a Presbyterian pastor in Mt. Pleasant, PA and as a Professor of Biblical History & Literature at Milliken University in Decatur. Ill from 1918-1925. On Oct. 17, 1914 he m. Clarice Ridley Wharam.
I believe he is the second from the right in the top of the photo on your site.
This is the freshman class with roster and home addresses included . the names are listed alphabetically and unfortunelty not matched with faces.. none the less it helps narrow the research . If you can identify any of the group please let us know-/////1904 *Pandora* Washington and Jefferson College ,Washington,Pa .To see all the picturesin the YearBook type WJ in the photographers slot in “Detailed Search” to browse theyearbook click on *W* in the Alphabet List and select *Washington &Jefferson College* ...For close up scans or additional information regarding of any of these images or