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Photo #101804

Last Name: OSGOOD


Middle Name: DANA

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Subject's State: FL

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Date: 1851-1900


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Type**: PRT

Comments: WINCHESTER DANA OSGOOD (Nee: ) | FL | 1851-1900 | Comments: Winchester Dana “Win” Osgood BIRTH 12 Apr 1870 Fort Barrancas, Escambia County, Florida, USA DEATH 18 Oct 1896 (aged 26) Cuba " When Cuba began its fight for independence from Spain, Osgood volunteered for the Cuban forces. He was commissioned a major in the artillery under General Calixto Garcia. Early in October 1896, the Cuban General Garcia and General Maximo Gomez joined forces and moved upon Guimaro, which was strongly fortified and defended by the Spaniards. After much hard fighting and a brilliant charge led by Colonel Mario García Menocal, the largest fortification was taken. During the battle, Major Osgood was in charge of shelling several blockhouses with a Hotchkiss rifle using 12-pound shells. Osgoods artillery unit was under steady fire from small arms. When Osgood stooped over the gun to adjust the sight to account for the wind, he made the remark, "think that will do." At that moment, he was hit by a bullet fired by a sharp-shooter stationed in the church tower eleven hundred yards away. Osgood was carried from the location by his comrades and hurried down the hill to the aid station. Without re-sighting the artillery piece, Osgoods second in command Major Frederick Funston gave the order to fire the gun and the shell hit one of the blockhouses. The bullet that hit Osgood had gone through his brain and he did not recover from his wounds." ------------------------------------------- The Class of 1892 Cornell University Ithaca, NY. To see all the records posted click below. The Archive does not have any information beyond what is mentioned in the record. If you would like to leave a Note in this record contact place in the subject line "1892

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WINCHESTER DANA OSGOOD School Annual 1892 Cornell Univ *33rd year Reunion*

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