Photo #96078
Last Name: Loder
First Name: Emma
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Havelock
Subject's State: NE
Subject's County: Lancaster
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Van Wie
Type**: B&W
Comments: Emma Loder (Nee: Van Wie) | Havelock NE USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: Found another copy of this photo of my great aunts music teacher. Under this one she makes reference to her being "Mrs. Loder" so I looked her up on the 1920 census and she is married to a farmer named John Loder. See my other photo of her for more info, but I think theyre copies of the same photo. Taken somewhere in between 1915-1920, unsure.
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Emma Loder