Photo #93899
Last Name:
First Name: c1940S Bride & Groom
Middle Name:
Subject's City:
Subject's State: New York
Subject's County: ?
Subject's Country: United States
Photographer: Valeche
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State: New York
Type**: Wedding
Comments: c1940S Bride & Groom (Nee: ) | New York United States | | Comments: For a year now, Ordonez family has been searching for who the bride and groom might be. The East Dallas family is hoping the public can help solve a mystery and put names and faces to a 1940s era wedding photograph found by accident, buried in the back of a turn-of-the-century garage.
The cardboard cover of the 11x17 sepia photo bears the name the company that printed it “Portrait by Valeche” and a penciled copyright on the inside frame indicates it came from New York.
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c1940S Bride & Groom