Photo #82821
Last Name: Rathbone
First Name: Eunice
Middle Name:
Subject's City: New London
Subject's State: CT
Subject's County: New London
Subject's Country: United States
Date: 1835-1850
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Nee: Goddard
Type**: PRT
Comments: Eunice Rathbone (Nee: Goddard) | New London CT United States | 1835-1850 | Comments: image from Hiram Warner Farnsworths family album, Topeka Kansas. Hiram lived and taught in New London, Ct. as principal of the New London Female Academy. The image of Eunice seems to be photograph from a portrait. Made by J. Weekes Photographer, 103 Main St. Norwich, Ct. Has a tax stamp on the back and the photograph is probably from 1855 or later. The original portrait is earlier.
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Eunice Rathbone