Photo #81620
Last Name: Reese
First Name:
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Cameron Township
Subject's State: MN
Subject's County: Murray
Subject's Country: USA
Date: 1901-1920
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State: MN
Nee: Ebert
Type**: SNAP
Comments: Reese (Nee: Ebert) | Cameron Township MN USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: I found this photo in my mothers things. It was part of my grandmothers photo collection...8x10.
I sent out copies to everyone in my family and no one can identify him.
I am certain he is Reese or an Ebert.
Reese is my Great grandparents Fritz & Amelia Reese. Ebert is Amelias maiden name and I believe when they came from Germany they stayed with in-laws (Eberts) in Iowa.
Who is this baby?
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