Photo #73775
Last Name: Wolfer
First Name: George
Middle Name:
Subject's City: Cleveland
Subject's State: Oh
Subject's County:
Subject's Country: united states
Date: 1835-1850
Photographer's City: Cleveland
Photographer's State: Oh
Nee: George Wolfer
Type**: B&W
Comments: George Wolfer (Nee: George Wolfer) | Cleveland Oh united states | 1835-1850 | Comments: "George was born in Germany near the Rhine River in a settlement called the Black Forest. The location was called workshop because the area prevailed in handmade furniture. Our Great Grandmother, Anna Bolli, met and married George settling in Cleveland, Ohio. In a letter written by Mary Melissa Brocklehurst Wolfer (Ralph's mom, Frank Wolfer's wife) she writes, " Our grandfather (this would be George) is said to have died of TB, he worked in a slaughter house and it (the disease) was prevalent in cattle." In other family information it says, "he took ill and passed away, they think a heart attack" Regardless, Anna Bolli Wolfer was about 7 months along with child when it happened. That baby was Frank Adam Wolfer. Born in Germany, Died in 1894 Cleveland, Ohio, united States"
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George Wolfer