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Following is the list of photo reunions from Dead Fred since the site's posting in March of 2001:

John Lenich of Verplanck, NY is my grandfather.

Thank you so much!! It brought tears to my eyes to find him. Unfortunately I never had to opportunity to meet him as he passed away before I was born. I can't tell you how much this means to me.

Thank you,

Mr. Chesser

I am interested in obtaining the original of Photo #25550. The "Mr. Chesser" in the photo is actually my great great grandfather, Hiram J. Chesher. This is the ONLY photo I have ever found of him and I am really anxious to obtain it. Thank you a million for your site!


Augustus McClellan is my ggg grandfather. My relative that lives in TX has the original of the picture that was posted. I think it was posted by another relative that lives in DE. She received the copy from my files. Just surprised that she didn't put more info on the pic. I noticed that she posted a pic also of her connect with the McCLELLAN family; ie Clayton & his wife. I have several old pics of the McCLELLAN family. Thanks for responding & offering to contact the submitter for me. I will wait to see.


The child of one of the brothers

Charles is the child of one of the brothers of my great great grandfather Davis Burch. We have lots of family buried in the Monroe Co. Burch cemetery and also in the Greene County Beech Creek Cemetery. Others are in Carmichael Cemetery and Burch II cemetery in Greene Co.

I would love to have as many photos of Burches that you have. I would also like permission to use them in a heritage scrapbook. Thanks!


One of my photos went home courtesy of your site, so I thought I would let you know. Photo #28791 Last Name: KNOWLDEN. Apparently 3 of the 6 children are still alive (but REALLY old) as well as another who was born after the photo was taken. The son of one found it and asked for it. I asked if they would like it removed, but they said they love having it online for the rest of the extended family to see.

Bible Records Online

World War II

I found a photo on your website that I am VERY interested in.

Photo#619 is a World War II photo of nine uniformed young men by a plane. One of these young men, standing far right with his hat cocked, is my mother’s late father Roy Edwin Ward. My grandfather died this past May 13 and I have no doubt that this is him. Is there anyway that you all can locate the person who posted this photo and forward my email address to them???

My mother is still grieving her father and I wonder if this might hold the key to exactly what happened to my grandfather during WWII…


Taylor or Dicks

This is a picture of my GGgrandfather, Stephen Sparkman Taylor. His name was originally Stephen Dicks and he was born in the 1850's in Florida. I never knew him to be in GA. He is buried in Fl. and was married to Julia F.A. Anderson. Would love to exchange info.



I saw the picture of Albert Keith Smiley but there should have been one of his twin brother Albert Homans Smiley. I am Albert's great great granddaughter.

Circus Act

Hi Jacqueline,

I just recieved an exciting email from Colleen Fitzpatrick, about a sleuthing quiz that she recently held on her website regarding tracking a photo of a Knife throwing circus act which was subsequently discovered to be your Great Grandfather Gustavo Arcaris and his sister (Your Great Aunt) Kate!


Hello Joe,

Indeed I would love to have the photo. Thank you so much for your incredible services! I have already spread the word about your site and hope that our little story draws you more attention. Below is my work information to safely send the photo. Our home mailman likes to shove letters in our mailbox, so I wouldn't dare have this special little piece of history sent there. Thanks again!




I'm a great-grandson of Martin T. Strom, Holt, MN. His youngest daughter Annie, married Henry J. Pederson. They lived and worked in Thief River Falls, MN. My father Lester (now deceased) is the youngest son of that family. He married Maxine Pfalzgraff of Parkers Prairie, MN, and I'm the youngest of 3 boys.

If you would please, contact me at your earliest convenience regarding any geneological information you can provide on Martin T. Strom. If you're any of my cousins from AZ or CA doing some research, get ahold of me and maybe we can collaborate! And if you\'re a relative I (we) don't know about, it would be great to know who you are. Actually, I thought the Strom\'s from that area were somewhat forgotten. There's a post (though from 2002) on the Norwegian Heritage website of someone looking for information on Martin T. Srom. I recently found it and answered the post, but there's been no reply. I'm very curious why there's been this interest in my great-grandfather.

Anyway, please contact me when you can. I have a limited amount of information about the Strom family, but would be glad to share. Thank you.



Many thanks! Yes, Lindley Moses Butler was my great uncle. His brother, Rush Clark Butler, was my grandfather. I can tell by your scan that the picture itself would not likely improve even with a professional scan, so I'm grateful for what you sent. Great service to those hunting down our relatives!


This is my mother\'s youngest brother, John Gaarder, born in Starbuck, MN. I am emailing his oldest son with the info about the photo. How amazing to see Uncle Johnny on this website!


Namon Barron was my great grandfather. His daughter, Clara Barron, was my grandmother. Clara\'s son, George W. Grimes Sr. is my Dad. I have possession of the original photo displayed here. Dad passed it down to me from Clara\'s belongings. I am interested in how you came across this photo, and any additional information you might have on Namon Barron.
Thank you,


I just wanted to personally thank Mr. Joe Bott for posting the information submitted by Mr. Mike Kane. Because of this another door of my ancestry history has been open and possibly giving us the opportunity to have the largest family reunion anyone has ever seen. Thanks DeadFred, and a personal THANK YOU to Mr. Joe Bott!!



Dear Joe,

After I sent the message through your site, I spent about three more hours figuring out things from her postings and what I had gathered, adding names and dates into my Family Tree Maker file. I soon became aware that the baby my G- Grandmother was holding was her niece Pearl. My GGrandmother went on to have a daughter Pearl named after her niece – hence my confusion! The submitter also gave me lots of other fascinating information about my GGrandmother ( her G Grand Aunt) including letters written by her and the missing key to the 100 year old family mystery! Needless to say I was ecstatic to hear from her- my cousin- and we have agreed to keep in touch and share family documents ! Thank you so much for following up!

Now that I know about Dead Fred and how great this site is , I will be submitting photos that I have of past owners of my historic house in an effort to find some of the descendants – surname Smith – how easy is that going to be?!

By the way, I humorously said to the submitter that I never would have thought that by Googleing my Ggrandmother’s name, she would come back as Google’s number one hit!

Thanks again,

Rev. Pruett

Hi Joe,
I'm still hoping to hear back from someone regarding the Lucinda Marcus photo also. I was thrilled and amazed to find that photo online! The other woman in the photo, Rebecca Stiles, I had never heard of until I saw the picture. However, the weekend following my discovery on your website, we had our very first family reunion that anyone can remember and believe it or not, someone asked me if I knew who Rebecca Stiles was or if I'd ever heard the name before! I really need to find out more about this woman! No one has ever been able to find out who fathered my Great Grandfather who was one of Lucinda's illigitimate sons. The photo comment says that one of those women had an illigitimate child by the other's husband, and if it was Lucinda, we would then know who Rev. Pruett's father was!

As for the Calhoun photo, Callie's maiden name was Pruett. She was my grandfather's sister. And Joseph Calhoun, Callie's husband, is another possible for the illigitimate child mentioned in the photo of Lucinda Marcus and Rebecca Stiles. I'm guessing the same person who submitted the Calhoun pictures also submitted the Lucinda Marcus picture.

Thank you!!



Dear Madam/Sir,
I have found on this web page beautiful photos of Charles and Ellen Bennings you had submitted. I am interested whether you have any other photos of members of this family - I am a great grandson of Ellen Benning's sister, Kate Crosby (nee Goldring). In particular, I am looking for any photos of Kate Crosby and her husband, and children.

Yours Sincerely


Dana Russell Mutz was my grandfather, born 1883 and died in 1918 of pneumonia following.influenza contracted during the great epidemic that year. He was a printer and the publisher of the Utica Sun in Utica Nebraska. He left a wife and two children. His older daughter, Dorothy, was my mother.


Mystery Photo

WOW! I just found your website and the link for Myrtle Pollock, my great aunt, in a group photo. I read the note about emailing you for a close up scan. Is there some way you can locate her in this photo? I'd love to be able to find her and see her.

Thank you so very much!!! Can't wait to explore the rest of this website!!!!


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