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Photo #53754

Last Name: Hinsdell

First Name: Perry

Middle Name: H

Subject's City: Salina

Subject's State: NY

Subject's County: Onondaga

Subject's Country: US

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Doust

Photographer's City: Syracuse

Photographer's State: NY


Type**: CC

Comments: Perry H Hinsdell (Nee: ) | Salina NY US | 1851-1900 | Comments: I'm not related. I bought this at an Antique show. If you are family and want the original, all I ask is $5 to cover the cost of the photo and safe shipping between cardboard. Fortunately the back of this card has a printed typed history of this man, Perry H. Hinsdell. With some help from the census and obit I was also able to find his 1907 obituary and location. Back of card reads: I was born April 21st 1820. Married Sarah Isabel Adams at my present home, January 13th 1847. Bought the Adams farm in 1866, and still hold the fort My wife, Sarah died Nov 22nd 1877 aged 55 years Married Ellen S. Fenner, of Lysander Dec 12th 1878. My oldest child Miles, died in St. Paul March 14th 1875 aged 24 years My second son Hibbard, died May 30th 1882, aged 26 years. My third son Wells, died July 20th 1884, aged 26 years The 3 boys and their mother are buired in Oakwood. My daughter Cora H. Dyer came from Chicago in 1898 with her husband and son (my only grandchild) and all live in Sister Pitcher's old house. My son Willard, came from Minneapolis in 1898 and lives with me My wife Ellen died December 31st 1899 and is buried in Lysander. Have voted for Prohibition for 25 years. Celebrated my 80th birthday by having this photo taken for my friends. Then it is signed To: Stephen Washburn with my compliments P.H. Hinsdell Card has some stains on front and some bumped and torn edges. I did not include the obit because it was found on ancestry and is in the JPG format. Also an article on his will and how he left $20 a year for 10 years to Prohibition causes. Census shows he lived in NY, Salina Onondaga county

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Perry Hinsdell

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