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Photo #49205

Last Name: Ratliff

First Name: Marie,Hattie Ella, Allan

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Roby ? Rotan ?

Subject's State: Tx

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1921-1940


Photographer's City:

Photographer's State: Tx

Nee: Ratliff

Type**: GRP

Comments: Marie,Hattie Ella, Allan Ratliff (Nee: Ratliff) | Roby ? Rotan ? Tx United States | 1921-1940 | Comments: Need help in finding where this school was located in Texas, year 1922. My grandmother wrote Pledger School on the front, but they were living in north east texas or north texas during that time frame. Ive checked Lamar,Fisher and Kent counties, but have not found anything. My grandmother, Marie/Mary Ratliff on the back row under the small x was about 14 yrs. This was her last year in school I believe. Middle row, middle blonde is her younger sister Hattie Ella Ratliff who was 6 yrs. Front row, second from left is their brother Allan Ratliff who was 9 yrs. Their father was Jacob Anderson Ratliff Jr , married to Effie Belle Burns. My grandmother's sister, Effie Vala had died in Lamar County in 1918 at the age of 8 yrs. The family shows up in Fisher county in the 1930 census. I suspect my grandmother's spelling of the school is incorrect.This part of the Ratliff family came from Falls,Grimes. Lamar and Fisher counties of Texas. Jacob and Effie had 11 children. Jacob's father was Jacob Anderson Ratliff, married to Mary (maiden name unknown). Jacob's siblings also moved to the same counties that my grandmothers family moved to. The Ratliff families left Falls county sometime after 1906, when Jacob Sr. passed away.

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Everyone Listed In This Photo:

Marie,Hattie Ella, Allan Ratliff

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