Photo #63837
Last Name: Vaughn
First Name: Wilmer
Middle Name: Abram
Subject's City:
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Subject's County:
Subject's Country: France
Date: 1941-1960
Photographer's City:
Photographer's State:
Comments: Wilmer Abram Vaughn (Nee: ) | France | 1941-1960 | Comments: This Picture was taken on April 29, 1945 somewhere in France. The picture was in the possession of Wilmer Vaughn in Peru Maine. The picture is labeled with the names of his friends. From Left to right Sgt. Noa, Sgt, Mort, Cpl Vaughn and Cpl Ingram. The first names and any details of the three friends is not known. Wilmer Abram Vaughn was born in 1913 and died in 1985. Except for his service during WWII, he never left Maine.
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Everyone Listed In This Photo:
Ingram Mort NoaWilmer Vaughn