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Photo #29990

Last Name: Masura

First Name: Walter

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Bronx

Subject's State: NY

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1901-1920


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Type**: B&W

Comments: Walter Masura (Nee: ) | Bronx NY United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: Other people in Photo of family are also Masura's 8/21/2007 Judy is looking for information on Walter please contact her at Judy writes **Here's the background of my husband's Walter Masura ancestor (last name spelling not certain). We believe he immigrated here from Russia, possibly from the Ukraine but that part isn't certain. Walter had a friend, John or William "Kanuga" (spelling isn't certain)(also from Russia, probably the Ukraine) who introduced him to Mary Kanuga, a sister. Walter & Mary married and had two daughers, "Olga" (name not certain) and Stephanie in the early 1920's. Our understanding is that Walter died from TB, and Olga from Scarlet Fever (neither fact is verified). Stephanie also contracted Scarlet Fever, but she survived with only some hearing loss. Stephanie went on to marry a man who loved her deeply, and eventually gave birth to three children, including my husband. Walter died before 1930 because he's not in the 1930 US Census anywhere, but his wife Mary is there (she married again), as is Stephanie. Walter does have a WWI draft card registered, and on it he lists a friend, "Wm Kaknuka", or something like that. It's hard to read. There is a Walter Masura listed in the 1920 US Census, and there's a Mary Masura listed in his household as his sister. It's all very confusing because there's an additional adult female, Mamie Masura, in the household listed as Walter's wife. I wonder if perhaps the census taker just got the names confused. We believe Walter's father's name was Semyon Masuravitch, his mother Seraphima Varonowska. Again, names not certain, and of course the spelling is not certain. We do not know if they came to the USA. We have one picture of Walter Masura, it's his wedding photo with Mary. Our Walter Masura picture looks essentially identical to the Walter Masura in the Dead Fred archives. Both Walters bear a striking resemblance to my husband and my son.

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Walter Masura

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