Photo #111550
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Date: 1901-1920
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Type**: B&W
Comments: (Nee: ) | TN | 1901-1920 | Comments: I'm posting these two pictures in the hope that someone may recognize them, or the people within. Many of the people are in both pictures. These came from the home of Mary Etta "Molly" Walker Hill-1889-1982 (William Maynard Hill) who lived in Knoxville, Tennessee on Luttrell Street. She was the daughter of Rev. John Davis Walker (1855-1941) and Margaret Ann Houston (1858-1944) The Walker side is out of Claiborne County, and the Houston side out of Claiborne and Smyth/Washington County, Virginia. These people could be Walkers, Houstons, Hills, Buchanans, Foxes, or possibly Heatherlys (George Heatherly) The Buchanan and Fox lines came out of Smyth and Washington County, Virginia as well, with Abraham Fox later removing to Claiborne County.
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