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Photo #64913

Last Name: Knott

First Name: Betsey

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Parkersburg

Subject's State: Ia

Subject's County: Butler

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Byerly

Photographer's City: Parkersburg

Photographer's State: Ia

Nee: Howden

Type**: PRT

Comments: Betsey Knott (Nee: Howden) | Parkersburg Ia USA | 1851-1900 | Comments: This is Joseph Cooling Knott and his wife, Betsey Howden and three of their children: Ada, Philip and Albert. It is the orginal picture taken about 1890. All were born in England and immigrated in 1887 settling in Parkersburg Iowa. Joseph was born in 1849 in Branston Fen, Lincolnshire, England. Betsey Howden was born in 1851 in Bracebridge, Lincolnshire England. Ada was born about 1877 in Cherry Wilington, Lincolnshire, England; Phillip was also born in Cherry Willington. Albert was born in in 1886 in South Bank. Joseph and Betsey are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Parkersburg Iowa. It is unknown where Ada and Albert died. Phillip died and is buried in Omaha, NE
Betsey was the daughter of John Howden and Elizabeth Dawson. In addition to the three children in this picture, she was the mother of a child named Fanny who died before they emigrated to the US. She also had a son Joseph Howden who was born prior to her marriage to Joseph Knott. Because she was so young at the time of her son Joseph's birth, she allowed her parents to raise her son Joseph Howden

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Everyone Listed In This Photo:

Ada Jensen
Albert Knott
Betsey Knott
Joseph Knott
Phillip Knott

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