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Photo #51210

Last Name: Hackett

First Name: Francis

Middle Name: John

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Type**: B&W

Comments: Francis John Hackett (Nee: ) | | | Comments: My mother was born April 16, 1946, product of a Filipina mother and an American soldier father. She never knew her father. From what she knows, her father supported her the first couple of years of her life when he left the Philippines but support and communication later ended. In the late sixties my mother and father came to the US. In 1971, after I was born, my dad and mother some how may have found her father living in New Jersey. My dad had called this person up saying his wife is his daughter. My dad probably approached him wrong on the phone and was soon hung up on. Sometime after that, they traveled from DC to New Jersey where this person had lived. From the stories I have been told, my dad, mother and I as a baby went up to this man’s door, he opened it and my mother introduced herself. Next thing you know, he slams the door in her face. A couple weeks ago, as I was snooping on the internet, I happen to come across his name with a similar address and town that my mother knew of. Why would he be still listed? Was it for me to find? My mother died July 1, 1990, never knowing her father. Most of the time her hated her American blood because in a way that blood abandoned her. I want to find her father hoping this person in New Jersey is the one. I just want to give her the closure she never received. Is there anyway someone can help?

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Francis Hackett

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