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Photo #51197

Last Name: Lawton

First Name: LAVONIA

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Subject's City: Savanah

Subject's State: Ga

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Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1901-1920


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Type**: PRT

Comments: LAVONIA Lawton (Nee: ) | Savanah Ga USA | 1901-1920 | Comments: LAVONIA BLUE LAWTON, Writer (1869-1951) Born in Lavonia, Georgia to McCauley and Sarah Blue, who promptly named their daughter after that small southern town. Three months after Lavonia's birth, the Blues moved to Savannah--a decision Lavonia would always reflect upon with wistful regret. When her second-grade school mates taunted her with "Lavonia Bologna", her regret shifted toward rueful derision and forever ingrained within her a strong-willed independence. Despite disliking her own name, Lavonia still regarded her unimaginative bootmaker father and seamstress mother with loving affection, referring to them throughout her life as "Prosaic Pa and Ma." Fortunately for the rest of the world, Lavonia did not inherit her parents' deficiency, though the first sixteen years of her life were generally considered unremarkable. Those privy to the family circle discovered a merciless wit lay beneath that placid facade. from an online auction 1/12/2008 . I don't have orginal

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