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Photo #46141

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First Name: Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Lodge group

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Subject's City: Wanette

Subject's State: OK

Subject's County: Pottawatomie

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1941-1960


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Type**: B&W

Comments: Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Lodge group (Nee: ) | Wanette OK USA | 1941-1960 | Comments: Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Lodge group (late 1800s – early 1900s) 1. Claud GREEN 2. Tom DAWSON (Thomas B.) 3. Unknown – from Eason 4. Unknown – from Eason 5. Unknown – from Eason 6. Mrs. Hettie or Hattie EXELTON 7. Plumma NORTHCROSS (dau., of Walter S., & sister to Florence Anderson nee Northcross. Plumma married William Drain. Both are buried at the Tecumseh Mission Hill Cemetary) 8. Mrs. Granville ROLLER (Bertha) 9. Mrs. Si MILLER (Bertha) 10. Unknown – from Eason 11. Lillie MILLER 12. Corda WEST 13. Mrs. FINLEY (Hughs mother) 14. Mrs. Corner BROWN 15. Mrs. Black DEAN 16. Mary BROWN 17. Ann MILLER 18. Mrs. Perry HUTCHISON 19. Mrs. Tom DAWSON (Caroline E.) 20. Mary Jane MILLER 21. Mrs. NORTHCROSS (“Dutch” nee Henry married Walter Scott Northcross. It is stated that she is buried in the Wanette Cemetery.) 22. Mrs. HENRY 23. Mr. HENRY 24. Mr. NORTHCROSS (Walter Scott Northcross is buried at the Tecumseh Mission Hill Cemetary. His stone sets to itself. Three daughters, their husbands and descendent are buried in the same cemetery. He was also married to Cornelia Ann Moore and when she past away he married I think two or three more times with Dutch as one of his wives. He was the first city marshall of Wanette. In this picture he has the whiskers hanging down on both sides of his mouth. I have one blurrie picture of him when he was suppose to be 14 years old and he didnt have whiskers. The rest of the photo gives his a mustache. His dad was a very wealthy plantation owner in Mississippi. Course, dont know where all the money went. Maybe in the war when the slaves got freed. Maybe when his parents died his folks split everything up)) 25. Perry HUTCHISON 26. Mr. A. BROWN 27. Grandpa BEAL 28. Mr. Si MILLER (Silas – Occupation: Groceries in 1900) 29. Mr. Granville ROLLER (Occupation: Hardware Store in 1910) 30. Mr. MILLER 31. Mr. CROCKREL 32. Unknown – from Eason 33. Unknown – from Eason Note: Wanette did not exist when this photo was taken but Eason & Wanette are the same place.

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Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Lodge group

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