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Photo #44836

Last Name: Clifford

First Name: Regis

Middle Name: Aloysius

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Subject's Country: United States



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Comments: Regis Aloysius Clifford (Nee: ) | United States | | Comments: This is a photograph of my grandfather, Regis Aloysius Clifford. I don't know exactly when it was taken, but judging from the style of clothing, and his youthful appearance, I'm guessing sometime in the 1920s. He was born in Pittsburgh, PA in 1904. He lived there until at least 1930. At some point, he moved to New York City. He was in the Merchant Marines during WWII and wound up living in both California (definitely in 1946 - the year my father was born) and we think Virginia. He had a relationship with a woman named Aileen Geigher who is/was my grandmother. We do not know if they were ever married. He is purported to have been married to someone else in the 1930s/early 1940s - perhaps to someone named Thelma with whom he had a daugther (b. prob. around 1933 but not sure). The daughter's name may have been Thelma in addition to or instead of the wife -not sure. Regis passed away Christmas Eve, 1972. I have more information on his family that I'd be happy to share if interested. Anyone out there with any information on him or the other people mentioned, please get in touch. Thank you!

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Regis Clifford

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