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Photo #42034

Last Name: Epperson

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Subject's State: Ks

Subject's County: Reno

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1941-1960


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Nee: Epperson

Type**: GRP

Comments: Epperson (Nee: Epperson) | Ks USA | 1941-1960 | Comments: Epperson family photographed at Epperson farm home, Hutchinson, KS, about 1947, Left to right, at rear: Charles Bradford Black, Sr.; Mabel Mcintyre Epperson (wife of Earl Epperson); Margaret Ann Black; Willis Clyde Epperson,Jr. Left to right, standing: Sam King; Anna Draper King; Margaret Epperson Black; John Harold Epperson; Elizabeth Stokes Draper Epperson; Loraine Cain Epperson; Parkalene Coffey Epperson; Galen Epperson. Lef to right, kneeling and sitting: Frank Ronald Black (b. 1936); kneeling behind: Elinor Sue Epperson (b.1934); Janet Epperson (b. 1943); Judy Ann Epperson (b. 1944); Earl Epperson holding Patricia Epperson (b. 1946); Elinor Marian Dalton Epperson, Relationships: Elizabeth Stokes Draper Epperson (Mrs. W.C. Epperson, Sr.) and Anna Draper King were sisters. Margaret Epperson Black, daughter of Elizabeth S. Draper Epperson, married to Charles B. Black, Sr. Their children here: Margaret Ann and Frank Ronald Black. (there were four older children) John Harold Epperson, eldest son of Elizabeth S. Draper Epperson, and his wife, Lorain Cain Epperson. Their two sons not in this photo. Willis Clyde Epperson, Jr., son of Elizabeth S. Draper Epperson, and his wife, Elinor Marian Dalton Epperson, with thei r only child, Elinor Sue Epperson (b. 1934) Earl Epperson, son of Elizabeth S. Draper Epperson and his wife, Mabel Mcintyre Epperson and their only child, Judy Ann Epperson (b. 1944). Galen Epperson was a first cousin of J.H. Epperson, Margaret Epperson Black, W.C. Epperson,Jr. and Earl Epperson. His father was a brother of W.C. Epperson,Sr., and Galen farmed near the Epperson farm on the same road. His wife, Parkalene Coffey Epperson, and two daughters, Janet and Patricia.

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