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Photo #35913

Last Name: Graham

First Name: William

Middle Name: R. (Maybe)

Subject's City: Philadelphia

Subject's State: PA. ,Va, CA & etc.

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1921-1940

Photographer: Merchant Marine photo. Va.

Photographer's City: Arlington

Photographer's State: VIrginia


Type**: B&W

Comments: William R. (Maybe) Graham (Nee: ) | Philadelphia PA. ,Va, CA & etc. United States | 1921-1940 | Comments: Remains a mystery as of this date 24 April 2008. A Christmas wish of a five year old, remains a wish 56 years later to a senior citizen. My father, William Graham disappeared July 1949. My mother, my sister, nor I know what happened to him. Every year as the joy of Christmas draws near there is this wish of a child thats been with me all my life. The wish that my father might return home would be the greatest gift that I could receive. 56 years have past, no father. The wish is alive and well. As a senior citizen, my wish is to hear from any family members that may be still living. I have left no stone unturned in my search, its as if he disappeared off the face of the earth. Please know that I expect no one to try and find him. Want to share with others, maybe this Christmas the right person will read this note. A little information about Mr. Graham: William Graham born April 5, 1906 died ?????. SS# 044-12-1321. I did send for SS-5 forum. This record states William Graham (No Middle Name listed) is the S/o William Graham and Ethel Mitchell, born in Philadelphia, Pa., Have not been able to locate a birth record or information concerning his parents. Met my mother in Newport News, Va. Married my mother, Anna Maschek in Camden, North Carolina Jan. 1940. Records say that Graham was born in Philadelphia County, Pa. No census record was ever found. Graham joined the Merchant Marines abt. 1926. Aborad ship he traveled all over the U S and other countries. I have a picture of Mr. Graham if anyone is interested. Thank you for reading about my wish, Dorothy Graham Meadows

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