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Photo #29713

Last Name: Thompson

First Name: Leroy

Middle Name: Frank

Subject's City: Everton

Subject's State: MO

Subject's County: Dade

Subject's Country: USA



Photographer's City: Everton

Photographer's State: MO



Comments: Leroy Frank Thompson (Nee: ) | Everton MO USA | | Comments: Leroy Frank Thompson, son of Henry Frank and Margaret nee Lawson Thompson, b. 30 Nov 1834 TN - d. 10 Aug 1861 Battle of Wilson Creek, MO. Buried on the Battlefield where he fell. He was a Union soldier, his brother George was a Confederate soldier. His brother George's history is often confused with LeRoy's because George (a married man) had a romantic relationship with his widow during the war. George was later killed at the battle of Boston Mt Arkansas on 5 Jan 1863. George left a widow, Catherine nee Link, and 6 children. LeRoy left a widow, Sarah Gertrude nee Brown, and 2 children; Benjamin Henry and LeRoy Frank. LeRoy Frank died age 12 years and some of the family were convinced he was not the son of LeRoy, but the son of George, and so, his name was not passed down as one of LeRoy's children in the family and the surviving child, Benjamin, always insisted he was the only son of LeRoy Thompson. Benjamin has descendants to the present day in California, Missouri and several other states.

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LeRoy Thompson
Leroy Thompson
Leroy Thompson
Leroy Thompson

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