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Photo #23573

Last Name: Quinn

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Subject's State: NJ

Subject's County: Morris

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1851-1900


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Type**: TT

Comments: Quinn (Nee: ) | NJ USA | 1851-1900 | Comments: (add from this as needed) The buttons are about the size of a quarter or smaller, there are 3 buttons. The one with the 5 in it has a glass over it, did the best for the condition they were in. They belonged to my sister-in-law, she is 75 and don't know who the people are. She had them in the pray box that they had been in for many years. They were given to her oldest daughter, they are still in the family and I had taken the photos so we have copys of the tin type photos in case they get harder to see and enjoy. My guess they were my sister-in-law and my husbands's grandmother-mother and her brothers and sisters. The family came to the US in 1855 from Ireland, they were as following: JAMES QUINN - b:1815- Ireland, ANN ? QUINN- b:1818- Ireland- wife, JAMES QUINN-b:1844-Ireland-son JOHN QUINN- b:1846-Ireland-son JULIA QUINN- b:1848-Ireland daughter (our link to the family) CATHERINE QUINN-b:1852-Ireland-daughter ELLEN QUINN-b:1856-New Jersey-daughter ANN QUINN-b:1858-New Jersey- daughter. The family had lived in 1860's in Morris Co. Rockaway Tws. New Jersey. Because of what I have learned about the family, I believe the 5 could be JULIA QUINN brothers and siters, and I think one of the single ladies could be JULIA QUINN's Mother ANN, and maybe the other single could be JULIA herself. I don't know if this is who these people are or not, but the family would not have keep photos of non-family, by things I have found out about the family, they didn't hold on to things. JULIA QUINN married JOHN GARR who was from England. One of their daughters KATHERINE GARR had married GEORGE HEDGES and their son JOHN HEDGES was my husband's father. The small photo in the middle is on a toothpick to give you idea how small they are. 23573

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