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Photo #23074

Last Name: Whinery

First Name: E

Middle Name: D

Subject's City:

Subject's State: OH

Subject's County:

Subject's Country:

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Evans

Photographer's City: Salem

Photographer's State: OH


Type**: CC

Comments: E D Whinery (Nee: ) | OH | 1851-1900 | Comments: Thanks Sandra!! > 4/15/12 Note: "a correction to photo #23074. Handwritten at the top is "1898 E. P. Lamborn." The photo is actually of Elwood Dean Whinery who was Edith P. (Whinery) Lamborns brother. He is also in group photo #23049 (listed multiple times in photo group "yarberryb"), along with his sister Edith P. Lamborn. Because of what he is wearing in both photos, it appears these pictures were taken on the same day." Photographer A.Evans ///1898 -DeadFred recieved these photos in the mail as a donation from . The donation contained three large manila envelopes filled with photos in a box. On eac envelope was hand written surnames with each envelopes group of surnames being different from the others . In the course of scanning them I found connections in names among them all therefore Ive decided to put them collectively in one group . If you click below you will be able to see all the photos that came in all three envelopes,. Ive added the search term Yarberry A,B,or C to the comment section of each photo to designate which names came in the envelopes together. Envelope A contained the following Surnames : Jenkins,Battey Whinery,Gross,Mendenhall,Pyle,Lambon ,Woolman . Envelope B: Hayes,Pyle,Lambon,Gross,Hogue,Rose .Envelope C:Ridlon,Hayes,Chenyney,Putnam, Smith,Walton,Mathers,Hilbe. If you go to the home page and type into the keyword yarberryB into the *comments search* section this photo group will come up These are a very nice collection of family photos. Write to if you have any questions about the people in the photos. Write if you wish to claim a photo , wnat an enlarged scan or have a question .23074

Digital Image Only? NO

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E Whinery

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