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Photo #23065

Last Name: Lamborn

First Name: Rhoda

Middle Name:

Subject's City:

Subject's State: KS

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Subject's Country:

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Shirley

Photographer's City: Yates Center

Photographer's State: KS


Type**: CC

Comments: Rhoda Lamborn (Nee: ) | KS | 1851-1900 | Comments: Israel Lamborn and Family taken 12 mo 14th 1886 - Israel,Edith P,Debra,Albert,Oliver,Rhoda - Frank Roses Mothers Family - ( I believe Debra is the older Girl and married to Herbert Gross also a photo in this group). ////DeadFred recieved these photos in the mail as a donation from . The donation contained three large manila envelopes filled with photos in a box. On eac envelope was hand written surnames with each envelopes group of surnames being different from the others . In the course of scanning them I found connections in names among them all therefore Ive decided to put them collectively in one group . If you click below you will be able to see all the photos that came in all three envelopes,. Ive added the search term Yarberry A,B,or C to the comment section of each photo to designate which names came in the envelopes together. Envelope A contained the following Surnames : Jenkins,Battey Whinery,Gross,Mendenhall,Pyle,Lambon ,Woolman . Envelope B: Hayes,Pyle,Lambon,Gross,Hogue,Rose .Envelope C:Ridlon,Hayes,Chenyney,Putnam, Smith,Walton,Mathers,Hilbe. If you go to the home page and type into the keyword yarberryB into the *comments search* section this photo group will come up These are a very nice collection of family photos. Write to if you have any questions about the people in the photos. Write if you wish to claim a photo , wnat an enlarged scan or have a question .

Digital Image Only? NO

Everyone Listed In This Photo:

Debra Gross
Albert Lamborn
Debra Lamborn
Edith Lamborn
Israel Lamborn
Oliver Lamborn
Rhoda Lamborn

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