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Photo #95691

Last Name:

First Name: Unknown William Watson

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Subject's City: Limehouse, London

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Subject's Country: United Kingdom

Date: 1921-1940

Photographer: Daily Mail

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Type**: B&W

Comments: Unknown William Watson (Nee: ) | Limehouse, London United Kingdom | 1921-1940 | Comments: I would like to hear from anyone who would know anything about the A.R.P. in the Newspaper clipping, my unknown grandfather. I now know my grandfather lived in 34 Pigott Street, Limehouse, Poplar for about 5 year from 1936 until 1940 and was an Air Raid Warden, his name was William Watson (which wasnt his real name) . He would have been in his 40s when my grandmother first met him, and she would would have been about 19 at the time. He deserted her before she had her baby in 1935, my father, he was adopted by his grandmother in Bristol and then brought up as her own child. My grandmother then went on to work as a short hand typist at the Lewisham NAAFI to help support her family. I have for some time now been trying to find out more about my grandfather as this was the biggest family secret ever and anyone who knew anything has now passed on. I would like to find out his nationality was as story has it he was a foreigner and possibly jewish. I would love to find his date of birth to further my research, although this has proven difficult as we do not have a correct name. I could not find Bill Watson on the 1939 register although I found details of him on the Electoral rolls. Richard Hannaways family lived at 33 Pigott Street. (I have located the relatives of the boy Richard Hannaway in the story and the attached newspaper clipping has been passed onto his relatives (he died in 2012) but I have heard now more from them. I would love to find the child of the lady in the cutting but she was only recorded as Mrs R Foster. Her husband was also an A.R.P. Picture of Boy with bucket taken in Commercial Road Tower Hamlets. Story has it that William Watson had a wife and 2 daughters on Redcliffe Hill, Bristol, before he became a lodger at Milford Street, my great grandmothers home.

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Unknown William Watson

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