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Photo #87078

Last Name: S/o Seshendra Sharma

First Name: Saatyaki

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Comments: Saatyaki S/o Seshendra Sharma (Nee: ) | | | Comments: Seshendra Sharma An Indian poet Prophet Visionary Poet of theMillennium Rivers and poets Are veins and arteries Of a country. Rivers flow like poems For animals, for birds And for human beings- The dreams that rivers dream Bear fruit in the fields The dreams that poets dream Bear fruit in the people- * * * * * * The sunshine of my thought fell on the word And its long shadow fell upon the century Sun was playing with the early morning flowers Time was frightened at the sight of the martyr- - Seshendra Sharma Seshendra Visionary poet of the millennium October 20th,1927 - May 30th ,2007 Parents: G.Subrahmanyam (Father) , Ammayamma (Mother) Siblings: Anasuya,Devasena (Sisters),Rajasekharam(Younger brother) Wife: Mrs.Janaki Sharma Children: Vasundhara , Revathi (Daughters),Vanamaali , Saatyaki (Sons) Seshendra Sharma better known as Seshendra is a colossus of Modern Indian poetry. His literature is a unique blend of the best of poetry and poetics. Diversity and depth of his literary interests and his works are perhaps hitherto unknown in Indian literature. From poetry to poetics, from Mantra Sastra to Marxist politics his writings bear an unnerving print of his rare Genius. His scholarship and command over Sankrit, English and Telugu Languages has facilitated his emergence as a towering personality of comparative literature in the 20th Century World literature. T.S.Eliot , Archbald Macleish and Seshendra Sharma are trinity of world poetry and Poetics. His sense of dedication to the genre of art he chooses to express himself and the determination to reach the depths of subject he undertakes to explore place him in the galaxy of world poets / world intellectuals.

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Saatyaki S/o Seshendra Sharma

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